The Priest and The Deacon

More grim characters for The Judicators project

Here we have The Priest. This fellow was and still is, to some, a well respected preacher and devotee of The Emperor. Like many of similar privilege he is deceptive and has a dark side. The Judicators some times deliver wretched souls, literally, to his front door. The Priest will pass the Emperors judgement and offer the doomed souls some level of redemption.


Then we have The Deacon. This wicked brute is dedicated to the service of The Emperor and The Priest. He is a mute after he dared to disagree with The Priest many years before. He has no compassion, no sympathy and no conscience. He is there to serve.







8 thoughts on “The Priest and The Deacon”

  1. These are so cool! I like the first guy the most, very nice combination of bits.
    I see him skulking between ancient data-banks, looking for some religious clause to further his purpose; His fierce lapdog following aggressively behind.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Those Bretonian bits are amazing for conversions like this aren’t they? Shame to see them go really – not sure I’ll be sobbing into my pillow tonight about losing them from warhammer but they’re certainly going to be leaving a gap in a lot of Inq28 bitzboxes. Good work on bringing them neatly into the far future 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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