Ork Invasion Part 65 – The Orka Part One

While visiting a bricks and mortar market place recently, on the hunt for a very last minute anniversary present for my wife, I stumbled across something that I gifted myself with. 

It was one of those moments in time, much like when each of my daughters was born, that time seemed to stand still. The only thing moving was my jaw as it slowly hit the floor. As soon as I laid eyes on this giant four wheeled toy I thought two things. 1. IT SCREAMS ORK! 2. Pity I didn’t find it during Orktober. 

For an easy $25 I bought the big rig and cradled it in my arms like an infant as I perused the isles looking for something for the wife. It goes without saying that a good 70% of my brain power was now committed to thinking about my new Orky thing though. 

When I hastily got it home I explored the thing discovering that it has a total of three movable doors. One on the front. Yep, that’s the front haha.

One on the roof.

A large one on the side which actually flies open when you press a button on the top. Very cool. 

It has two mounted canons, big all terrain wheels, lots of cool bits and bobs over the whole thing and stickers.

I had no idea what franchise the vehicle belonged to so with some research I found out it’s a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle vehicle called a “ShellRaiser” which was released in 2012. 

This thing is massive. I reckon I could 50 Ork Boyz in it and still have room for a half a dozen Grots. 

Onto the converting. 

As it oozes Orky goodness already I didn’t want to over do anything when it came to adding bitz but, as is my way, I did get a little carried away because I was having so much damn fun. I thought I’d share some pix before I painted this massive, brick-like vehicle. 

In this first pic you can see the size compared to an Ork Boy in front.

With a few strategic pieces placed on the front I’ve created a face and I think once it’s painted it should look pretty cool and very nasty.

I kept some of the stickers because I think they’re cool but most I painstakingly ripped off with my nails. Bastard things. 

I can’t wait to paint this thing. 



31 thoughts on “Ork Invasion Part 65 – The Orka Part One”

  1. What a great find and conversion Luke, as you say it screamed Orky to begin with, but since your masterful additions screams ultimate Battlewagon !
    Hope you found something nice for your wife, and the idea factory wasn’t too busy thinking about bits to add to the truck ! LOL

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Wow, great find and can’t wait to see this painted! It reminds me of the old GI Joe and Transformer cartoons, where they would have these big “Mobile Command Bases”. Because what better way to divest kids from their money!! 😂

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Gotta say this post put a smile on my face thinking of you looking like the kid in a Christmas Story with his new toy gun – err orkmobile. Love the conversion efforets – so imaginitive especially the ork coming out the hole in the side. I too await its painting with eager anticipation. At least a lot more than from your bride. I hope she was happy!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Wudu beat me to the wife joke, unfortunately! 😀 I do think this one is made for you and I think your conversions have already made it look pretty Orky. I’m excited to see how you paint this beast up!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. What a find! 😀 That thing’s a BEAST. Before you said you looked up where it came from I was definitely getting old TMNT vibes from it. 😛 The orks look right at home with it. Can’t wait to see it painted! ^_^

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