Bolt Action ‘48 – Part 11

Hello all,

It’s been a minute since I’ve posted as it’s been quite a tough few weeks. Without going into too much detail, I lost someone who was very dear to me and it left me feeling quite unmotivated for much in the way of hobby stuff. I tried here and there but just wasn’t feeling it.

Today though, I had a couple of hours in the studio and finished off a ruined building for my Bolt Action project. I actually started with using cheap arts and crafts paints on it but they were so transparent and shiny that I jumped over to Vallejo paints.

As it’s a ruined building I kept things pretty shabby and mostly employed the dry brush technique. For me it’s usually that balance between diorama level and gaming level for terrain pieces but with this one I just went for easy to be honest. I didn’t bother with much in the way of detail and just had a nice relaxing afternoon painting it.

I have a very busy few weeks ahead of me, plus my folks are coming to stay for Christmas from interstate, so I’m not too sure if I’ll post again or not. Therefore I’ll wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year now. Take care.



39 thoughts on “Bolt Action ‘48 – Part 11”

  1. I’m sorry to to hear about your loss mate, never easy, i’m sure having the family around for Xmas will help. the wife and I have been having a bit of time away lately, we just got back from our wedding anniversary holiday, I was so caught up with our trips I forgot to congratulate you on yours back in November.
    Like you said Xmas is coming up quickly so I to will wish you and your family a great Xmas break, Cheers mate from my mob!!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Sorry to hear of your loss, it can turn your world upside down, and even things that normally bring you pleasure can feel mundane.
    The building looks great and very atmospheric for the battlefield.
    Hope you and the family have a great Christmas, and happy New Year.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. What to say – I’m with you in spirit brother. Yeah, losses around Christmas are the worst, but you are indefatigable (which I can only say about someone born in the UK I’m sure). Anyways, the building looks great – but more importantly, you be you and all will heal – just sucks. Sorry Luke.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Sorry to hear you’re also going through a tough time recently, mate. My thoughts are with you. I hope the holidays go well for you too and are a nice respite from real life. That is a fantastic bit of terrain though I am a bit confused because it doesn’t look fit for an Ork 😉

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