Bolt Action ‘48 – Part 13

Hello my dear hobby enthusiasts,

I had a solid three hours in The War Room (studio) this arvo/evening and achieved a fair bit.

I undercoated all the terrain I had built for the BA project, then I put together another mdf building. Now with this one I screwed up with the instructions so, like with the last one, it’s now battle damaged haha. I forgot to take a photo though but will supply one in the next post.

I then got into making bocage. Once I found a technique and after glueing bits of foliage to my fingers and swearing at the hobby gods I came up with this.

Not a great photo but what you’re actually looking at here is four strips of bocage. One behind the next.

To make these all I did was base coat some tongue compressors brown, then glued down flock, then squeezed out a strip of pva on top of that and pulled apart foliage to glue down. I tried that ticky-tack stuff first but couldn’t be arsed waiting the fifteen minutes to allow it to become tacky haha. I then tried super glue but that didn’t seem to hold down the foliage that well. Pva worked a treat but let’s hope it all stays stuck down.

Tomorrow I’ll sprinkle a little flick over each piece to give them all a more realistic look. I’ll also add some rocks and tufts to the bases here and there.

I am happy with them but they’re quite light so do you think I should add weight to them? Washers maybe?

Tomorrow I’m also hoping to have an even longer session so I might get a building or two painted.



9 thoughts on “Bolt Action ‘48 – Part 13”

  1. The PVA should hold them well enough, once it’s fully dry. They look effective now, but with what you’ve got planned should take them to excellent. As for the weight issue, it shouldn’t be a problem, I think it’s where we get used to resin and MDF weighing so much we expect it with the rest of our scenery.

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  2. If you’re not making bocage with Woodland Scenics, then you’re doing it wrong! 🙂 In all seriousness, I think it looks great and adding some rocks and flock to the base will only improve it further.

    One little trick you can try is to sprinkle and then glue some lighter colored flock on the top of the bocage to give it a bit of a highlight like you normally would with a brush. I made some hedges like this a long time ago now and that worked pretty nicely.

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  3. And here I thought I was looking at your new side business! But you would need a lot more plastic baggies! 😂
    Looking great and way better than I imagine I would do on a first try!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. They look great! I’ve not tried it at 28mm, but at 13mm I’ve laid down a strip of cheap Milliput first – then, when it’s dried, glued the foliage on top. This is partly to provide an earth bank, but also to combat the (ahem) Perils of the Warp – which I always worry about when gluing long strips of anything.

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