Bolt Action ‘48 – Part 14

Lots to show you all today. I’m elbow deep in this project right now and I’m having a ton of fun.

Firstly, here’s the building I screwed up the instructions with yesterday haha.

Nothing too special but once textured and painted etc it should fit in nicely.

I finished my bocage and I’m really happy with them. Used hairspray over the top of them and then sprinkled on lighter coloured flock which worked a treat. Also gassed a few rocks here and there too.

There’s 34 strips in total.

Next I made some fences but only six, will definitely make more.

Here’s some pix of the bocage and then the fences insitu.

Next I made my own rubble. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while.

Basically I broke up bits of mdf sprue and cork to make the fake rock and wood. I chopped up bits of plastic for the metal components and then hammered some brick chunks I had. With the wood, cork and plastic I put them into seperate cups with a metal colour for the plastic, brown for the wood and grey for the cork (rock). I then added some agrax Earthshade and water and mixed them all separately. Then, once dried, I did have everything a light dusting with black spray and then white spray. It’s all still wet at the moment but the plan is to give the metal another bath in an ink wash and then mix all the components together. Hopefully this will make some nice looking rubble that I can spread around the battlefields and damaged buildings. Will probably make more in the future. I’ll take a pic of it all mixed together for the next post.



20 thoughts on “Bolt Action ‘48 – Part 14”

  1. The building looks effective, even if it’s not following the plans ! LOL The bocage and fences turned out great, and look very effective when photographed with the models.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Dave. Yeah Mdf is just one of those things I have a love/hate relationship with hehe. Ideally I’d love to have only plastic, resin and 3d printed terrain but there’s some good stuff in the Mdf ranges and you just can’t beat that price point.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. The bocage is definitely looking good and you’ve got a good start on the building as well. Having that rubble you can apply to the terrain is a great idea. I’ve thought about doing something like that for Fallout and need to figure out how I want to go about it!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Cheers. The rubble thing came to me when I watched striking scorpion on YouTube scatter actual rocks around their game table. I started doing the same and then I got to thinking about other sorts of “scatter” terrain. Keeping all the elements separate worked for me but the metal looks too clean so I think I need to weather it up somehow. I don’t fancy painting each individual piece haha so a quick fix is what I’m stumped on presently. I’d love to see what you do for fallout

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      1. Youtube is coming through for you lately, it sounds like! If the metal pieces are painted in metallics, which I’m guessing they are, I’d just weather them up using a mix of brown and black washes. I always thin it down a little bit but a 50/50 mix of Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade makes metallic surfaces look dirty and grimy. If you want them to look dusty, I’d make a thin wash of your chosen dirt color and apply that instead. I haven’t done that over metallic paints much but I do it a lot on Fallout stuff in general. I don’t know if any of this helps but I gave it a shot anyway!

        Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh wow mate!!!!! Congratulations on the win and it’s very well bloody deserved. It’s an absolutely brilliant diorama and I’m super pleased to hear your mojo is back. I’ve really missed your posts and it hasn’t quite felt the same on here without you.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I was going to ask if you’re going to rust up the metal, but looks like you and K-man already talked about it. The scatter terrain is a great idea though. I also like how the bocage has turned out. The fences too. The pics look great, and it looks like you’re going to have some really nice looking games!

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