Bolt Action ‘48 – Part 16

In the words of Alecia Keys…

This girl is on FIREEeeeee…

Er yeah just change the girl bit to IRO and you’ve got yourself a number one hit right there.

I’m on fire (on a roll) with my WW2 (Bolt action project) and I’m absolutely loving it.

I finished another 3d printed building this evening but more on that in a bit. First I wanna show you my Rubble!!!

Noooo not that one, this one.

I’m so excited that my plan/recipe worked and I have to give a shoutout to that man we’ve all come to admire, Mr Kuribo, for advising to give the metal parts a dose of 50/50 agrax and nuln. I actually did 25% agrax, 25% nuln, 49% water and 1% fingers crossed and it turned out a treat. Zoom in to see all the lovely dirty bits.

I know it’s hard to tell from the photo but it’s about two man sized hands full so I’ll definitely make more. I’m just really pleased that the formula I had in my brain worked out as well as it did.

Tonight I also stippled on some plaster/spackle onto two of my MDF buildings. “Just Needs Varnish” got me thinking along these lines and then I watched a video by Tabletop CP who showed how to get a really nice effect by stippling it on.

Once it’s dried you can actually smooth it down a bit with just your finger.

Then I got back to the painting bench and finished off another building. This one is a little grand, with a little wear and tear, so for the sake of the photos I did more of a grandiose set up haha. I had fun.

I actually forgot to paint the window frame in the dormer window. What do you think, should I paint it or leave it?

I think I’ll build a little step for the side door.

This building came with no second storey flooring so I built my own but kept the interior simple.

I’m happy with this building. It’s not a perfect paint job by any stretch of the imagination but I think it’ll do for the tabletop.

Next I think I’ll take a wee break from terrain and tackle a tank. Not literally because I wouldn’t want the tank to get hurt.

Stay Frosty.



21 thoughts on “Bolt Action ‘48 – Part 16”

  1. The rubble turned out great, a really nice mix. The MDF buildings are looking a lot better with the texture on as well. Great work on the new building, to be honest I wouldn’t worry too much about the top window, it could be the contractor didn’t have a big enough ladder, or wanted more money for going that high ! LOL

    Liked by 4 people

  2. That building looks sweet, but that rubble looks even sweeter! You need to bottle that up and sell it on eBay for $25 an ounce! Oh wait, that’s GW prices, haha! Seriously, it looks really good and a small pile of that could serve for a collapsed area near a building. A rusted junk heap. So many uses!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Looking good man – personally it would annoy me about the window so I would paint it to match the rest (though on the other hand it doesn’t have shutters like the rest do…).

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m glad the idea worked out and that building really looks nice. You could always add some furniture and take some cool pictures later on too. Of course, you’re about one step away from having a dollhouse at that point, but I reckon I’ll have a post-apocalypse one myself sooner or later! That’s also the first time I’ve been referred to as Mr. Kuribo too haha

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ahaha I’ve been waiting for someone to say it’s a bit dollshousy. I am tempted for furniture and funnily enough I have a good cheap source on eBay. I actually used the same stuff for the internal areas of my Rorke’s Drift buildings. Cabinets, beds etc. Thanks for your help Mr. Kuribo. I like the title. Next step, Lord Kuribo.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It sounds like I fell right into your trap! Mantic makes some WWII era furniture kits if you need other options. I’d love to be Sir Kuribo but I’m American and British people don’t knight many Americans. They’re a cruel lot, aren’t they!? 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Whooooaaaa Pal let’s not get too ahead of ourselves hey? Mr and Lord are one thing but SIR is a stretch. The Brits tend to only knight those who are worthy enough so you do the math my friend hahaha. I think we could start our own round table of dorky hobby enthusiasts. Sir John of Just Needs Varnish. Sir Faust, Sir Colonel Mustard, Sir Dave the imperfect modeller, Sir David Stone and so on. Haha

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Its like the Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame. Pretty much everyone’s allowed in these days 😉 That does sound pretty good to me. I guess you’re Sir Imperial Rebel Ork then? That is quite a title, if so haha!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. You are on fire mate, I can’t keep up with everything you’ve been doing (although I would have thought that being on fire would slow your painting down a bit… but you know what, I’ll try anything once!). Brilliant work on the rubble and yeah, I agree with the general sentiment – leave the window, it’s fine as it is. Now then, who do I need to talk to about getting the Sir honorific as well (or am I much too villainous to join your round table?)?


    1. I’ve been on fire for a few weeks now and you know what things are only getting hotter. I see you as more of an enchantress than a knight my friend. Therefore you can be Vivian’s/Nimuë, the lady of the lake/blog.


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