Bolt Action ‘48 – Part 18

Good day my fellow dorks, geeks and nerds,

Two more buildings to show you today.

This first one is quite interesting because, tucked away under one of the stones that lay scattered beside one of the ruined walls, I found two letters which gives us a little insight into this, now derelict, home.

Dear Jacqueline,

It is with a very heart that I write to tell you that your beloved son and my closest friend Leon died in the defence of our great Maginot line yesterday. The Germans found a weak spot and approached through the Ardennes. Leon bravely held his position until the bitter end. I held him in my arms and his last words were, “tell mama I love her”. He spoke of you often and missed you terribly. He was much loved by us all and will be dearly missed. If I manage to get home I will bring you his possessions including the Saint Michael medal you gave him before he left.

Yours sincerely,


To whom it may concern,

I cannot stay here. With the loss of my only son Leon nearly five years ago due to this terrible war and all the terrible things that have befallen my country, my home, since then I must go. There is hope now that the allies are pushing the Germans out but alas it is too late for me. This home was built by my grandfathers own hands nearly sixty years ago and was once filled with love and laughter. Now it is a shell of a place, cold and dark. I don’t know where I will go and what will become of me but I know I cannot stay. It is my hope that, one day, whoever finds my letter will be able to find some sort of purpose for this humble home again.

Vive La France,


The next building I don’t love but there are elements of it I’m happy with. For example I like how the textured walls turned out but I don’t like the paint job on the roof. It’s passable I guess.

Quite amazing how the bookshelf kept standing without a book out of place when the building has clearly been hit by some sort of bomb haha. Must be some heavy reading *boom tish*

I imagine this building to be a small barn or store room with an attached office. Hence why the room above has a simple sand floor and the other room has floorboards.

I’ll be honest I’m starting to really get itchy to build a tank and paint it. What do you think? Should I stay on terrain and try to keep getting more pieces done? Or take a break and do something different but within the same project?



13 thoughts on “Bolt Action ‘48 – Part 18”

  1. Great work on both buildings, and the letters were obviously inspiring. As for the roof maybe a dark drybrush over the top as dust from the explosions would help, maybe a really dark grey or even black. As for what to do next, whatever keeps you motivated has to be the right thing

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Both looking really nice! Is the first one resin? The second one reminds me of a building you might find in Fallout. Something that is ruined, but not necessarily destroyed. As far as the bookshelves surviving, I’m betting stranger accidents have happened! 😃

    Liked by 2 people

  3. You should follow your muse as it seems like you generally do. I don’t know anyone else who goes from one massive project to another after all 🙂 I think the buildings look very nice. You might weather the white walls a bit more if it looks too clean or intact for your liking. I think the roof looks nice as it is but you can’t go wrong with Dave’s advice either!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah I wondered if the walls needed a little more dirt and grime too. I think I do need a break from terrain plus I just heard that Donald Sutherland passed away and I have the “oddball” Sherman tank kit from Kelly’s Heroes so I might build and paint that as a bit of a homage to the great actor.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You don’t have to add more dirt and grime, of course, but it will give you a look you’re more accustomed to, I reckon. That sounds like a great project to me!

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