9 years

Hello fellow citizens of earth,

It’s been 9 years today since I started my humble little blog. Man it’s gone so quick but, it seems, life does too. I was a spritely 36 year old back in 2015 haha and now I’m 45 and making peculiar noises when I put my work boots on in the morning.

Like most peoples lives, I’m sure, the last nine years has had its ups and downs and I’d say my favourite thing about the hobby is that there are no downs. It’s all a good healthy highs for me. Great minis, great games, great crafting, great bloggers and a great community. I can safely say that I’ve never had a negative interaction with anyone in the last nine years involved in the beloved hobby. Thats pretty cool. In a world where there seems to be a shit ton of nay sayers, fun spoilers, trolls and keyboard warriors online I can honestly say that I haven’t experienced any of that in my 9 year hobby life.

Without sounding pious, our hobby seems to be one of the lucky ones that doesn’t end up in the firing lines too often. Sure I’m not naive in the fact that there’s always some sort of drama or people getting upset because GW has discontinued some Elf hero etc but, in general, it appears to be a rather positive place. It’s also a welcoming place. Sooooo many tutorials designed to help people get involved and get better. So many content makers out there just helping us be better hobbyists and to me that’s just awesome.

I find it funny when I attempt to describe my hobby to someone who has no clue what its all about. I, or them, end up just saying something like, “yeah like model trains etc”. Haha. For me that makes the hobby even cooler. It’s a unique little niche we’ve all carved out for ourselves and it feels like an exclusive little club but at the same time has big wide open doors and is all about inclusivity.

I love how we all approach the hobby a little differently from each other and give everything our own flare. Some of us might be into Space Marines, others into 6mm battleships, some into dioramas, painting busts, historical wargaming or painting pieces in the hopes of winning a golden daemon and there’s even one of us who has painted up a whole bunch of munchkins (you know who you are). We as hobbyists are a diverse and unique bunch and I wouldn’t change any of it for the world.

Sorry, that turned into a little waffle haha.

Blog-wise I’ve felt less inspired with it in the last twelve months. It could be down to being busy with renovations on the new house and busy with life in general, not sure. I don’t plan on quitting at all but I hope my passion for blogging gets back on track a bit more.

As far as my own hobby and projects go I intend on continuing to be a hobby butterfly and fluttering from one idea to the next. My current plan of attack is thus:

Paint ten US Civil War minis, then paint ten Bolt Action minis, then ten Tyranids, then ten napoleonic zombies and then ten Zulu/brits. In between all that I’ll chip away at Turnip28 terrain and a new sci-fi board.

There’s an old phrase that I’m sure you’ll all be familiar with… “All good things come to an end.” I plan on continuing to flip that philosophy on its head and say… “All good things will just keep going as long as I have air in my lungs”.

I always like to include a photo on every post and this one was taken last weekend. I’d asked my two youngest daughters to help me clip off bits from sprues so I can finally get things into order. It was a fun couple of hours but I still have a whole lot more to do.



42 thoughts on “9 years”

  1. 9 years already, hopefully your blogging enthusiasm will return soon, I’m sure it will as soon as you have more ideas to show us. Real life can put things on the back burner, put the fire never really goes out.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. 9 years and no negative comments? I can fix that for you, you git! Nah, I’m messing, it’s been an absolute pleasure getting to know you over the (almost) decade. I suspect that your current lack of enthusiasm for the blog is entirely down to me not posting as much, doubtless you’re pining. Fear not, your sprue-clipping team there will keep you company (and judging by the picture they’ve done a hell of a lot more than you have – do try to keep up dad!). Here’s to 9 more years, and 9 more after that!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Made all the greater with your presence! I totally agree with you on this hobby community being a slice of paradise away from the rest of the world. Funny how we’re all so separate but can also connect at our leisure. Maybe that’s one of the key ingredients?! Here’s to another 9, cheers mate!

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Congrats on reaching the 9th year! Now for the big milestone of reaching 10 next year!

    Time has gone by pretty fast since 2020, didn’t seem so long ago now when I first started blogging in 2016, so you were fairly aquainted by the time I showed up. It must have been a lifetime of events in a decade for you looking back. 🙂

    The Fly on the Wall Podcast must be reaching its milestone too, about 2017/18 if I recall?

    Keep on hobbying. 👍

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Aww, so happy to congratulate you as that Munchkin/Ozz guy (formerly known as that Aztec/Maya/Conquistador guy and before that the tank guy….), but I digress. My first post was March 19, 2015. By November of 2016 we had found each other’s blogs and a wonderful journey had begun. Truly epic and spanning over 10,463 miles, and you’ve been a great source of inspiration and someone I proudly call friend- or mate in your parlance! Anyways let’s keep on doing what we do and see how long we can before dotage sets in. All the best!

    Liked by 3 people

  6. “In a weird hiatus status” meaning you spent all the podcast budget on overpriced Star Wars toys, and Warren has to now work at McDonalds to get enough money to make the next episode. Poor Warren.

    Yet again, George Lucas scrapes in the childhood money towards his Deathstar-tub project. 😪

    Jk, hopefully things are going well with you and Warren. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ah I see haha. I won’t be putting spoilers for series in the blog post, so it should be fine to read. 🙂

    As for Furiosa, I have not seen it yet. Though it seems it didn’t make much money at the box office. Though I hope there’s at least one more Mad Max film starring Mad Max to finish off the second trilogy of films.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Well done mate totally agree with you, congrats on the 9 years of fun, I must have clocked up few myself but not once have I had any help from my girls , give them a big pat on the back from mate!

    Liked by 1 person

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