The IRO Strikes Back

Good day to you all.

I’ve missed my beloved hobby, my blog, your blogs and I’ve just missed you my blogger buddies.

Its been a busy month with the big move but it was pretty seamless. Luckily I’m as strong as ten men and could carry a fridge under one arm and my daughters bunk bed under the other haha.

Heres my new view from the balcony/decking. If you zoom in you can see the city skyline nice and very far away  the way I like it.


Having a few beers or a cuppa and sitting on the deck looking at the view is my favourite thing about the house. A very close second to that is the new hobby room. The IRO Studio!! It’s more spacious than the last. It’s warm and has a nice window where I can look out at the garden.

I have my work desk and a game/terrain table in there but there’s probably room for another work station. I’m thinking of having one desk for Modelling/converting and the other for painting. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

Theres a small workshop/storage area under the house which I’m thinking to use for my spraying. I still haven’t had a go on my air-gun yet.

There’s also a nice sized built in cupboard in the studio and I’ll be setting up a large display cabinet too. Once it’s all sorted properly I’ll put up some pix.

Im excited to be back and look forward to getting stuck back into my Tyranid/Genestealer project.

I’m also, very much, looking forward to catching up with all of your lovely posts.

What did I miss?

Thanks to Mark Morin and TIM for staying in touch while I was away too.

In other news The Fly On The Wall Podcast has been tracking rather well. We have nearly 1000 listens and over 300 followers on Instagram now. It’s been a buzz getting feedback from Mark Morin plus other international listeners. A follower even made Big Waz and I some T-Shirts.


If anything, it’s a good excuse to get together with my best mate once a week and have a chat and a laugh.

Anyway gang that’s it from me for now but I will try and show you some sort of WIP post sooner rather than later.

Remember, just because you only know me via WordPress doesn’t mean I can’t come and stay at your house and drink your beer and eat your food.














32 thoughts on “The IRO Strikes Back”

  1. Good to have you back mate but I reckon you have a lot to catch up on blog wise so no time to enjoy that view just yet! Very envious of your hobby space, sounds like it is going to be fantastic. I would suggest one desk for you and one for me and a fridge inbetween. See you shortly! 😉

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Good to see you back in action, the new digs sound great! That view is cracking, I miss living in a house with a decent view, and your hobby room sounds like everything mine could be if only I tidied the damn thing… And did I not tell you that Fly On The Wall T-shirts would look cool? I rest my case!

    Liked by 5 people

      1. Aye I’ve still been listening to the podcast each week, sometimes a week behind but I usually try to keep on track on the Post Apocalypse series. I’ve finished episode 21 yesterday (fantastic episode too!), and I’ll be listening to episode 22 tomorrow on the bus.

        So many questions on the post apocalyptic series, what’s happening to Keith, Woz getting a new bio hand, Glenn and Glenn’s wife, you and The Butcher. Oh and the old man on that hot air ballon.

        I think the Butcher is either a mutated Bruce (……), someone from the past that the team may have known, or something far more sinister……

        Keep up the fantastic work (and to Woz too!)!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Glad to hear the move went well and it sounds like a great place to be! I’ve helped you out a bit by posting next to nowt so that you don’t have much to catch up on, but you’ll be glad to know I can easily manage to scoff any snacks put aside for yourself in addition to my own! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Aww duuuude, you guys really rock the T’s, I definitely would buy one! Thanks for the shout out and a big welcome back to the blogosphere, you’ve been missed. Hell, you are a major internet influencer – even got me on instagram! I am working on old Bob for some interview time but as the job search stuff is heating up its been tough. I am committed to do it though! Congrats again on the new house, save me a desk by the fridge next to you and TIM!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Just to let you know, I’ve got a post coming up pretty soon that you’ll want to see, relating to the post apocalypse series on your podcast. I can’t spoil what it is, but I think you, Woz, Glenn and Keith will enjoy it!

    Also, The Fly on the Wall podcast is going really well, I’m still enjoying it so far! The Bruce files finale was………………………….okay. Luckily it didn’t end up as a freaky climatic ending, if he didn’t get a word in about his “habits”, well, best not think about the alternative………

    The mini podcast episode is a great idea for extra content to listen to, especially for in the week topics going on. The audio could do with some improvement, but apart from that it’s worth listening to.

    As for the topic on offensive jokes, as long as it’s not aimed directly maliciously or to hurt others to make them feel low, then I’m totally fine listening to the jokes!

    Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sounds good mate. I’m not in here much at the moment so could you please send the link to We joke about everyone and everything BUT it’s never our intention to bully or upset anyone. Bruce needed to go but our new “hard ethical questions” segment should be fun and interesting. Thanks for listening man. It’s very much appreciated. We’d love it if you could record a little promo for us 😉😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah sorry about that 😅. I tend to comment on posts on WordPress rather than emailing stuff. But I’ll try not to use WordPress to talk to you about anything relating to the podcast subjects. In future I’ll email you if there’s anything that your interested in.

        As for the post, it’s up right now on my blog. It’s quite a long post so take as much time as you want reading it.

        As for recording a promo……I haven’t got any decent audio recording equipment to record myself. Also, I don’t feel confident to record a promo sadly. Sorry about that. 😅

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Aye, I waited for it in eager anticipation. Probably one of the best episodes on the podcast so far!

        Hearing the different perspectives from Glenn, Keith, Woz and Luke was a great idea to include as I liked hearing what you guys thought about the saga so far.

        As for the storyline in last weeks post apocalypse episode, it’s progressing really far now as a mid season plot point. Woz’s idea for Keith’s story arc being focused on him and the child going on a journey was a great idea.

        The revolutionary plot will be interesting to see going forwards, will it explain what happened to the survivors that split off from you guys? I can’t remember what happen to the others after you, Glenn, Keith and Woz split off.

        I enjoyed Woz reading my fan fiction, it was quite entertaining listening to my own work being read out. Hearing the story has helped see what I need to improve on when typing a story structuring it.

        Woz laughing at some of the parts was great, I was glad some of it was funny as I didn’t want it to be too serious. What did Keith and Glenn (and his wife, I forgot her name) think to their story arcs in the fan fiction?

        Keep up the fantastic work!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thanks Bjorn. I’m glad you liked what we did. I haven’t heard from Glenn and Keith in regards to your story but Glenn did say it was a fantastic episode in general. I really like the idea of Keith softening and taking care of the little girl but I guess anything could happen haha.

        Liked by 1 person

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