The Vengeful Few Part 3

“We few, we vengeful few, we forgotten band of brothers”

I’ve cracked out a few more models over the last few nights for this mini project.

Im really trying to give each model a lot of character to make him quite individual from the rest. At the same time I’m endeavouring to make them look like they’re all from the one group or Warband.

Warrior Valtar The Crazed.


In the above pic I was just trying to show you his two tone hair. He kind of reminds me of Spike from Gremlins 1 and 2. Haha.

Warrior Darnatax The Unforgiven. (Grandfather of Honnax and Baltathor).


Warrior Honnax The Ghost. (Twin brother of Baltathor. Grandson of Darnatax).


Warrior Baltathor The Silent. (Twin brother of Honnax and Grandson of Darnatax).


Warrior Deadslain The Lost.


Warrior Shadowmaker The Cursed. (Note his Blind left eye).


I hope you like them.

7 thoughts on “The Vengeful Few Part 3”

      1. Haha I’ve never ever been accused of being shy before!! Ok well I built up the layers of paint colours I wanted for the over all look then dry brushed some lead belcher on some key spots. Eg the shoulder pads and bottom of the legs. I think the trick is to make the scratches fairly subtle.

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      2. Ah, so silver over the colour rather than the other way around! (I thought maybe inks over silver). Thanks mate, I’m going to have to give that a go šŸ™‚

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