Turnip stuff

I’ve finished the build of the odd little house I showed you the other day.

I quite like the idea of leaving the roof beams exposed, although I am thinking some coconut fibre might look cool. The middle beam is actually a leftover mast from the shop I found a couple of weeks ago.

I cobbled together a few more Napoleonic Zombies, they’re too much fun to STOP building them haha.

Aaaaand I built a Grand Bombard (basically a giant canon). I had an old metal bell floating around, not even sure where it came from, that fit the bill perfectly. I’m really happy with the chief bombardier (on the platform) in his little exposed office. He’s made from this putrid blighting from GW but I cut and carved away to have him sitting on a tiny chair. A little tricky but a fun challenge.

I also gave him tiny little hands, one with a quill and a British napoleonic war hat with a feather. The little head hanging from his waistband was actually repurposed for the head of the third zombie I showed you just before. Nifty huh?

Just need to add a ladder and possibly a cloth canopy.



18 thoughts on “Turnip stuff”

      1. That’s up to you! The traditional solid cannonball (correctly “shot”) wouldn’t be fuzed but would be fired at a relatively low angle, doing its damage to anything it encountered in its path. Where exploding shells were required they were usually “lobbed” at a higher angle and had their own fuze, which could be lit by the burning propelling gas behind it in the gun or by hand before firing (mainly if fired form a very short barrelled weapon such as a mortar, where it was feasible to light the fuze). That’s my understanding of things, but that doesn’t mean I’m right of course. But I can imagine the ork attitude to health and safety wouldn’t preclude lighting the fuze first!

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  1. Some very cool stuff here mate although I’m not sure the brick work on that chimney would stand up well to a gust of wind. I do wonder what a brain surgeon would make of the inside of your head if he/she ever had to take a look. It certainly works differently from every one else and the size of your creative cells must be enormous! 😉🤣

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