Turnip28 – Napoleonic Zombie Army – part 5

Hello fellow bloggers and hobbyists. I trust you’re all keeping well.

Can you believe we are half way through April already? A third of the way through 2024 too!

Now I want you to hear Basil Fawltys voice as you read all of the following hahaha.

I’m pleased to say I have finished building my Napoleonic Zombie Army. I could possibly add a bit of dead cavalry down the track but, for now, I’m saying it’s done… err as far as building and converting. Still need to paint most of them.

I have a total of 40 troops/zombies. I’d say that’s a horde right? Not a big horde, can you have a small horde? Haha. I also have a second in command, a commander and their two bodyguards.

Let’s have a look at the bodyguards.

This one was a fairly straightforward conversion. The only Napoleonic thing about this brute is his undersized and ill fitting hat. For this army I’m going for a creepy, comical and semi-traditional zombie look. Haha.

This next one is going to take some explaining and unfortunately the photos aren’t the best.

His head is actually facing skywards because he has a mutant zombie squeezing out of his abdomen, in a sort of macabre birth kinda way.

Here’s an aerial shot and then a close up of the big guys face.

For the head I used the nighthaunt kit from GW but for the gaping mouth I used the lower jaw of a screaming Ork. It was tricky to say the least but I think it looks ok. The next pic shows the mutant, with a hat on haha (I’m not sure how that works?) but you may need to zoom in to have a proper look. As mentioned, verrrrry tricky to photograph but I’m hoping, once painted, it’ll all make perfect sense. Well maybe not perfect or sane sense but it’ll make some sort of sense.

Just realised that was the screenshot version, doesn’t matter, I’m sleepy.

Ok next we have some standard troops and the first one has to be my favourite.

Yep that’s right my miniature enthusiasts, that’s a zombie piggy backing on another zombie. Bit of fun aye?

Then we have this poor zombiefied wench who seems to be being used as a pack horse.

This next, back from the dead, chap has a certain Je ne sais quoi

Finally we have the lead singer of the group haha. He’s not but he looks like he could and should be.

I could seriously keep loading pix of alllll the unique zombies I’ve made but I think I’ll save that for when they’re all painted.

This evening I finished painting two minis but have yet to base them so I fought against the urge to upload the pix haha.

The kits I am using, just in case/or in the hope, that someone else might like to have a go are as follows:

  1. Putrid Blightkings (Games workshop)
  2. Deadwalkers (Games Workshop)
  3. DeathRattle (skeleton) warriors (Games Workshop) – The backs of these have the white crisscross strapping that you see on Napoleonic uniforms so they work a treat plus they’re a treasure trove of bones, skills and weapons.
  4. Napoleonic Miniatures (Perry Miniatures) – I believe I’m mostly using British but I think there are some other nations in there too.
  5. (I can’t seem to get rid of that “5” haha) I’m honestly having so much fun with Turnip28 and I love how creative it allows me to be.
  6. (Shit now there’s a “6”) Cheers IRO

16 thoughts on “Turnip28 – Napoleonic Zombie Army – part 5”

  1. Very nice work, mate. These are very creative conversions and they will definitely make for a motley crew once painted up. If you keep it up, I suspect quite a few will be done in no time!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Mmmm … creepy. It’s just as well tht you have decided not to build cavalry, because if you ever tried to sell them you would be trying to flog a dead horse !!! I’ll be here all week. 🙂

    Regards, Chris.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I can just imagine that pack-horse zombie, “zombie, what zombie?”

    And the dude with the little head and fat body, “there’s no rest for the wicked, get in line you horrible little ghoullies”

    Excellent work, the stuff of nightmares.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Nice work my man! That lead singer dude has to be “Rob Zombie”!! 😃
    They all look great, and I’m looking forward to face to the sky guy getting painted. I think my next fave is the Zombie riding the Skeleton. That’d make for an interesting Star player for the Undead Blood Bowl team too.

    Liked by 1 person

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